First steps if you have COVID-19

Take precautions whilst infectious

Staying at home is an effective way of reducing the spread of all respiratory viruses, including COVID-19. You should stay at home whilst infectious to help prevent infecting others.

When to take precautions

If you:

Queensland Health strongly recommends that you stay at home until:

  • you no longer have acute respiratory symptoms
  • you've gone for at least 24 hours without a fever, without using fever-reducing painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, and
  • at least 5 days has passed since either the onset of acute respiratory infection symptoms or the positive COVID-19 test (whichever was first).

You should:

Taking precautions

Stay away from other people in your home or accommodation as much as possible to reduce their exposure to COVID-19. This may include:

  • keeping 1.5 metres away from them and avoiding close contact, including touching, kissing, hugging and other intimate contact
  • sleeping in a separate room where possible
  • using a separate bathroom where possible
  • avoiding shared areas where possible
  • wearing a mask when you must use shared areas.

Avoid non-essential visitors and advise any visitors of your illness, unless it's for:

  • emergency care
  • medical care
  • other essential care.

If you live with an elderly person or someone with a compromised immune system (immunocompromised), you or they may wish to stay elsewhere. If you or they are not able to stay elsewhere, stay away from them as much as possible and wear a mask in any shared areas. They are at greater risk of being more unwell if they get COVID-19.

Practise good hygiene

Always cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough, preferably with a tissue or your sleeve when you don’t have a tissue. Throw out any used tissues straight away in a rubbish bin.

Wash your hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds regularly, and especially after you cough, sneeze, blow your nose or take off gloves and masks. You can use alcohol-based hand sanitiser if your hands are not visibly dirty. Clean your hands after putting on your mask, and before going into any shared household areas.

Do not share household items

Do not share cups, glasses, plates, utensils, towels or bedding with others in your home. These items should not be used by others until they are cleaned thoroughly with detergent and water or in a dishwasher or washing machine.

Wear a mask

If you have COVID-19, you should avoid being in the same room with others, but if you do need to be in the same room, always wear a face mask covering your nose and mouth and maintain a physical distance of more than 1.5 metres wherever possible.

Keep your house open

Open doors and windows as much as you can to have good airflow, particularly in shared areas.

Keep things clean

Clean frequently touched surfaces every day with a normal household cleaning product. This includes tabletops, doorknobs, taps, sinks, phones, keyboards, remote controls, light switches and bedside tables. Pay particular attention to the kitchen, laundry and bathroom.

Monitor your symptoms

Read about managing your symptoms at home and what to do if you get sicker.

Tell your social, work and education contacts to get tested if they have symptoms

It’s likely you will have been in contact with other people while you were infectious. It's possible you have spread the virus to others (without knowing) in the 2 days before you had symptoms or found out you have COVID-19.

If you have been in contact with anyone during that period, you need to tell them you have COVID-19 so they can monitor their own health and get tested if they feel unwell.

This might include your workplace or the place you study, or if you have children, the school or childcare they go to.

Avoid entering high-risk settings

Except in exceptional circumstances or where medical treatment is required, if you have:

you should avoid entering any high-risk settings such as:

  • a hospital
  • a residential aged care facility
  • a disability services accommodation centre

for at least 5 days following either the onset of acute respiratory infection symptoms or the positive COVID-19 test (whichever was first).

The operators of high-risk settings may choose to impose restrictions or conditions on people who have recently tested positive to COVID-19 or had any symptoms of acute respiratory infection, such as:

  • isolation processes for patients and residents
  • conditions or restrictions for staff returning to work
  • visitors attending the high-risk setting.

If you have tested positive to COVID-19 or have any symptoms of acute respiratory infection and there are extenuating compassionate reasons for visiting a high-risk setting (e.g., end-of-life), you should contact the facility to discuss if this can be safely arranged.

There are no restrictions or limitations if you are seeking to enter a high-risk facility if you require medical care, aged care or disability services. However, where possible you should advise the facility that you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have acute respiratory symptoms and comply with any conditions to manage the risk to staff, patients, residents, clients and visitors to the facility.

Manage your symptoms and health

Most people who are fully vaccinated will be able to care for themselves at home, like you would for other viruses.

You may have symptoms like a fever, cough, headache or a sore throat. You may feel unwell for a day or 2, and then start to feel better. Some fully vaccinated people will have no symptoms at all.

If you're unsure whether you need medical care for your symptoms or if you feel you might require medical assessment or treatment, you can:

You may benefit from antiviral medicines if you are at high risk of developing severe illness. Find out who may be eligible and what to do to prepare.

You should seek medical advice if you:

  • are not improving after 2 or 3 days, or are getting sicker
  • have a chronic health condition
  • are pregnant.

Keep a COVID-19 symptom diary (PDF, 2.4 MB) , so you can track if your symptoms get worse.

Only call Triple Zero (000) or go to an emergency department if you have severe symptoms.

While you are staying home, use our tips on looking after your mental wellbeing.

If you are worried about your mental health, read about when to seek help and the mental health services available to support you.

Need more help?

If you need any other support while you’re in isolation, read our guide on where to get help.